Establishing a Strong Presence in Social Media
This seminar looks at leveraging social media for building a personal or brand presence. Here I will discuss the importance of having a clear mission, a strong, opinionated voice, and a unique solution to a specific problem. The session will cover the essentials of choosing the right medium for communication and the significance of consistency in content creation and engagement.
Muscle Building Masterclass
The Concept of Fatigue and its Implications in Strength & Hypertrophy Training
"Fatigue" (CNS Fatigue and Peripheral Fatigue) : What is it?; What are the differences in the types of fatigue?; A deeper look at the science of its mechanisms, and how its presence can impact outcomes and results when resistance training (specifically for hypertrophy and/or strength). Here I would also include some practical take aways to minimize its detrimental effects, by providing valuable information and tips around monitoring training variables (training Intensity and Volume), as well as other key aspects, in order to make progress at a faster rate.
The Relationship Between Intensity, Volume & Frequency To Maximize Muscular Hypertrophy
The relationship between Intensity, Volume and Frequency: what are these variables ? What is their relationship when trying to program a workout aimed at maximizing hypertrophy and strength? How do they interact with each other when trying to finalize a training program aimed at maximizing strength and hypertrophy?