Chris Richards

Chris Richards is the Managing Director of APAC and Middle East at Ultimate Performance, The World’s Leading Personal Trainers.
With a background as a trainer originally and 11+ years experience in the industry, Chris has supported the growth of UP through his senior management roles which now sees them operate 19 private gyms globally.
Chris has spoken on topics such as leadership, mental fitness and the UP signature life-changing transformations and can draw on his strong operational knowledge across the regions he oversees.
You can connect with Chris here:

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by Chris Richards


Taking the fitness industry by storm ExPRO Fitness offers Singapore and Southeast Asia exposure to evolving education from world-renowned experts inside a vibrant and motivating fitness community. Our intent is to create the largest and most comprehensive co-collaboration platform in SEA promoting international education offering increased exposure and opportunities for Exercise Professionals and collectively work towards a more successful and cohesive exercise profession.