Our ExPRO All-Access Pass offers the ultimate delegate experience.
You can choose from almost 100 seminars, workshops and workouts all delivered by leading fitness education providers, world-class trainers and industry experts across our six conference streams-
Programming &
Rehab, Recovery &
Special Populations
Business, Tech &
Professional Development
Science, Research &
Behaviour-change & Coaching
Our All-Access Pass gives you VIP access to the full ExPRO Schedule as well as the following:
- Access to all 76 ExPRO Seminars & Workshops (25th & 26th September)
- 3-Day FIBO Exhibit Pass
- 3-Day X-Pass (Our exclusive GroupEx & Small-Group Training Zone)
- 45+ World-Class Presenters
- Unrivalled Industry Networking
- 1-Year Professional Listing with FitnessSG (Worth SG$150)
- Delegate Goodie-Bag
We are proud to advise that our ExPRO All Access Pass is UTAP Approved. Via UTAP funding, NTUC members enjoy 50% unfunded course fee support, capped at $250 each year, for courses supported by UTAP.
This means you can get up to $250 refunded on your ExPRO All Access Pass!
This means you can get up to $250 refunded on your ExPRO All Access Pass!